St. Mary's College RFC

Founded 1900

Co. Dublin

AGM reminder

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NOTICE OF Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of St. Mary’s College RFC will be held in the Clubhouse on Thursday 27th June 2024 at 7.30pm.
1.  Welcome & Introduction. 
2.  Apologies. 
3.  Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting. 
4.  Hon. Secretary’s report for the season, 2023/2024. 
5.  Hon. Treasurer’s report for the season, 2023/2024. 
6.  Club Development Project Proposal (details will be circulated separately).
Appointments for the 2024/2025 season.
1.  Appointment of President. 
2.  Appointment of Vice-President.
3.  Appointment of Junior Vice-President. 
4.  Appointment of Delegate to the Committee of the Leinster Branch IRFU. 
5.  Appointment of Chair of Rugby. In accordance with the current rules, the new Executive Committee will appoint a Chair of Rugby at the first executive meeting which will be held immediately after this AGM.
Elections for the 2024/2025 season.
1.  Election of Club Chairman. 
2.  Election of Honorary Secretary. 
3.  Election of Honorary Treasurer.
4.  Election of Captain of the Club. 
5.  Election of Captains of the Men’s & Women’s teams. 
6.  Election of Six Ordinary Members to the Executive Committee.
7.  General Business/ AOB. 
In accordance with Club Rules, voting papers will only be issued to members listed in the Club Membership Register. Voting rights are only held by Ordinary, Life, & Honorary Life members.

Gavin McConnell - Honorary Secretary